Turkish Culture


Nardugan veya Nar-dogan, Türk halkının Kış Gündönümü’nde (21 – 22 Aralık) doğan Güneş’i müjdeleyen bir festivaldir. Türk kültüründe Nardugan kutlamaları arasındaki ilişkiyi, Nardugan kelimesinin tanımı ve kök analizini anlatmayı ve Tengri, Ülgen, Erlik, Kün Ana (Küneş) ve Hayat Ağacı (Hayat

Nardugan (ENGLISH)

Racism and Defamation

Hate-Driven Political Interference in Sports: The Case of Cengiz Ünder, a world-class Turkish-descent soccer player, and the Armenian Los Angeles Football Club Boycott

Abstract The legal, ethical, and societal ramifications of political activism interfering with professional sports are examined, focusing on the controversy surrounding world-class, Turkish soccer player Cengiz Ünder and the hate politics and direct racist propaganda by Armenian supporters of Los