Emre Yücel
We like to believe we live in a democracy. That we have choices. That our opinions are our
own. That history is written by scholars and not scripted by power.
But look around. Everything you believe, everything you consume, and even the conflicts
you take a stance on—have been carefully manufactured, refined, and served to you by an
invisible hand.
The world today is not ruled by politicians. They are placeholders, actors reading lines
written elsewhere. Real power belongs to a handful of multinational corporations, financial
cartels, and entrenched oligarchs who control not just your economy, but your reality.
And the most important tool they have is propaganda.
Take one of the most aggressively marketed narratives in modern history: the so-called
Armenian Genocide.
The version you read in Western textbooks is not an unbiased historical truth but a
meticulously engineered story. A century-long propaganda effort, funded by special interest
groups, weaponized by global actors, and designed not for justice, but for political leverage.
The U.S. Senate officially recognized it in 2019—not because new evidence was discovered,
but because Turkey refused to align with Washington’s foreign policy on Syria. Suddenly,
history was rewritten overnight.
Yet, mention the genocide of over 500,000 Turks and Muslims killed by Armenian
revolutionary militias, and you’ll be called a revisionist. Ask why documents proving the
mass deportation orders never refer to genocide, and you’ll be branded a denier.
This is how propaganda works. It is not about facts. It is about who has the louder
microphone, the bigger budget, and the ability to repeat a lie until it becomes an
unchallenged reality.
But this is only one front in a much larger war.
The same forces that engineer historical narratives also manufacture your political beliefs,
your economic servitude, and even your daily attention. They don’t just steal your
wealth—they steal your mind.
Your Attention Is a Commodity
The greatest resource of the 21st century is not gold, not oil, not lithium—it’s YOU. Every
second you spend online is money in someone else’s pocket. Every time you engage with
engineered outrage—clicking, commenting, fighting—you are participating in a financial
ecosystem designed to extract profit from your emotions.
Multinational Corporations Run the Show
The politicians you argue about on social media? They take their orders from the same
boardrooms. Whether it’s mining companies extracting rare earth metals from Africa,
pharmaceutical giants exploiting global health crises, or big tech selling your data—the only
ideology that matters is profit.
Democracy Is a Facade
You are told to vote, to care, to participate in a system that gives you the illusion of control.
But no matter who you elect, the real decisions—on war, trade, surveillance—are made far
above your pay grade. Policy is written by think tanks, enforced by corporate lobbyists, and
rubber-stamped by politicians who are paid to pretend they are in charge.
Fear Keeps You Obedient
The easiest way to control a population is to keep it afraid. Afraid of terrorism. Afraid of
viruses. Afraid of 'the other.' The war in Ukraine, the conflict in Gaza, the 'threat' from
China—these are all narratives tailored to keep you panicked, compliant, and too distracted
to question the real power structures.
1. Stop Consuming Passively: Every news headline, every trending topic, every viral
debate—ask yourself: Who benefits from me believing this? If the answer is a
multinational corporation, a billionaire-funded NGO, or a political elite—be skeptical.
2. Learn History from the Source: Don’t let Western universities and think tanks tell you
what happened. Read the archives. See how history is manipulated. Question why some
atrocities are remembered and others erased. Truth is never what you are told—it’s
what you find.
3. Reject Manufactured Outrage: If a news cycle is demanding your anger, chances are
someone is profiting from it. Ask yourself: Why is this story being pushed now? Who is
amplifying it? What is it distracting me from?
4. Break Free from the Algorithm: Your social media feed is not reality. It is a controlled
environment designed to reinforce the thoughts that keep you trapped. The only way to
escape it is to curate your own information, disconnect from manufactured debates, and
seek alternative voices.
5. Follow the Money: The golden rule: Nothing in politics, media, or history happens by
accident. There is always a financial incentive behind what you see, hear, and believe.
Find out who funds the narratives you are being told—and you will find the real story.
We are living in a world of illusions, controlled by a system of shadows and veils. They take
your resources, they take your labor, they take your history—and they take your mind.
But propaganda only works if you let it.
The moment you start asking questions, the moment you start following the money, the
moment you stop playing the game—you become dangerous.
And that’s exactly what they fear the most.